NPC to work more closely with DOE on emergency preparedness

The National Petroleum Council has agreed to use the new approach in the US Department of Energy’s 2016 Clear Path IV emergency preparedness exercise to independently track progress in implementing recommendations in its 2014 Enhancing Emergency Preparedness for Natural Disasters report and identify opportunities for continued improvement. Source: News

Antero to buy Marcellus nonoperated interest from Statoil

Antero Resources Corp., Denver, has agreed to acquire certain nonoperated interests in the Marcellus shale in West Virginia from Statoil ASA for $96 million in cash. The deal is expected to close by the end of the third quarter. Source: News

MARKET WATCH: NYMEX crude ends volatile week with a slight gain

The light, sweet crude oil price for September rallied somewhat on the New York market July 29 to end a very volatile week at $41.60/bbl compared with early June when the front-month contract traded around $50/bbl. Source: News

Can Iraq tackle its problems?

Iraqis generally recognize that their country sits on some of the world’s largest oil and gas supplies that could provide substantial benefits. But depressed commodity prices aggravated mismanagement imposed by outsiders as well as internally in a nation that’s in the middle of one of the world’s most politically unstable neighborhoods, an expert observed. […]

3-D pipeline spatial data advances design, operation

Testing of data provided by the Second Pipeline Construction Co. of China National Petroleum Corp. (PetroChina Pipeline) shows that using a 3D pipeline spatial-data model (PSDM) not only can further pipeline information management but also aid design and operation. The Pipeline Open Data Standard (PODS) provided the data-testing framework. Source: News

Early detection of custody-transfer gauge issues keys successful use

Proper calibration can yield savings of 0.4% over the typical 25-year life of a large natural gas transfer metering system, equaling $120-330 million of extra revenue for the system examined, depending on commodity pricing. Determining early that meters are properly calibrated is key to realizing these savings. Source: News