Watching Government: Border tax consequences

Talk of the US enacting a border adjustment tax is not as loud now as it was a few weeks ago. But the idea is still being discussed, and it could affect the US oil and gas industry by raising the price of imported crude oil. Source: News

Carbon tax revisited

“At least we need an insurance policy,” asserts a sedate proposal by conservative luminaries for a “carbon tax” responding to climate change. Why? “While the extent to which climate change is due to man-made causes can be questioned, the risks associated with future warming are too big and should be hedged.” Source: News

Speaking of fun

Sometimes, speaking in public about the oil and gas market is fun. Sometimes it’s not. Source: News

US Senate confirms Pruitt’s nomination as next EPA administrator

The US Senate confirmed Oklahoma Atty. Gen. Scott Pruitt’s (R) nomination to be US Environmental Protection Agency administrator by 52 to 46 votes on Feb. 17. The action quickly followed a rejection by 51 to 47 votes of Democrats’ call for a delay to review more than 2,500 letters and e-mails Oklahoma County Court Judge […]