India describes two open-acreage contracts

The government of India will offer two types of oil and gas contract, based on the span of operation, under its new Open-Acreage Licensing Program. Source: News

Carrizo to acquire Delaware basin properties for $648 million

Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc., Houston, has agreed to buy 16,488 net acres in Reeves and Ward counties of Texas from Midland-based ExL Petroleum Management LLC, a portfolio company of Houston private equity firm Quantum Energy Partners, for $648 million in cash. Source: News

Prelude floating LNG facility sails toward Australia

The Prelude floating LNG (FLNG) facility is en route from its construction site in South Korea to offshore Western Australia, a 5,800-km trip that should take about a month. Source: News

Uzbekistan lets contract for ethylene expansion

JSC Uzneftegazdobycha subsidiary Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex LLC (SGCC) has let a contract to CB&I, Houston, to provide technology licensing for a grassroots ethylene plant to be built at SGCC’s existing Shurtan petrochemical complex in the Guzar district of southern Uzbekistan’s Kashkadarya region. Source: News

US House committee approves a trio of bills related to oil and gas

The US House Energy and Commerce Committee approved three bills on June 28 that aimed to establish realistic ground-level ozone limit implementation schedules, facilitate interagency reviews of proposed natural gas pipelines, and create a process to review applications for cross-border gas pipelines and electricity transmission lines. Source: News

Dorado-1 spud date slips behind Phoenix South-3

The Perth-based duo of Quadrant Energy Ltd. and Carnarvon Petroleum Ltd. has decided to delay the drilling of the prospective Dorado-1 wildcat well in the Bedout sub-basin off Western Australia until mid-2018. It will now follow the group’s second appraisal well on the Phoenix South oil and gas discovery. Source: News