Potential boost seen from UKCS oil and gas

Extending the life of oil and gas production from the UK Continental Shelf and taking full advantage of the related supply chain could generate more than £290 billion of extra revenue through 2035, says Oil & Gas UK in a policy proposal for the next government. Source: News

Singh named chairman of IOC

Sanjiv Singh has been named chairman of Indian Oil Corp. Ltd., succeeding B. Ashok. Source: News

Tesoro to change name to Andeavor

Tesoro Corp. and Tesoro Logistics LP will change their names to Andeavor and Andeavor Logistics LP, respectively, on Aug. 1. Source: News

Zinke signs secretarial order to jump-start production within NPR-A

US Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke dramatically concluded his 5-day visit to Alaska by signing a secretarial order to jump-start oil production within the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. The May 31 order also called for updated resource assessments along Alaska’s North Slope (ANS), including the federally managed 1002 Area on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s […]