Policy reviews will not compromise safety, BSEE's director says

What caught Scott A. Angelle’s attention most, soon after he became US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement director earlier this year, was when the chief executive of a Lafayette, La., independent producer, with all of its assets in the Gulf of Mexico, said that what he considered the company’s greatest risk was something he […]

Chevron brings Wheatstone LNG Train 1 on stream

Chevron Australia has begun production from Train 1 of its $34-billion Wheatstone LNG project in northwest Western Australia with the first cargo scheduled to be shipped in the coming weeks. Source: News

Reconciling perceptions

Modern liberalism and its energy-policy offspring make lavish use of counterintuitive assertion. A public made to believe men and women differ only anatomically, for example, might also be persuaded to not only forswear affordable energy but also relish the hardship. Source: News

DNV promotes digitalization

DNV GL has various efforts under way with oil companies as industry works to embrace digitalization technology and standardization to improve productivity and help reduce operating costs. Source: News

MARKET WATCH: NYMEX, Brent oil end week dropping more than $1/bbl

Crude oil prices fell on the New York and London markets on Oct. 6 while Hurricane Nate approached the US Gulf Coast. Nate made landfall near Biloxi, Miss., as a Category 1 hurricane on Oct. 7 and was downgraded to a tropical depression as it moved over Alabama. Source: News